Our mission is to help local in-house lawyers feel more connected!

In House Out casually connects corporate counsel through a regular series of networking events and philanthropic endeavors.

IHO strives to build a diverse community of in-house legal professionals who gather regularly to generate a positive impact on their local community, their well-being, and their careers.

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What People Are Saying About
In House Out:

“In House Out has created a great thing for the local community of in house counsel! We really appreciate you creating this space!”

- Senior VP, Legal

“In House Out makes networking easy. Great connections and no sponsor pressure…what’s not to like!” - Corp. Counsel

I’ve been involved with the local ACC chapter and the corporate counsel section of the bar, but I like the thought of a more casual focus and setting.” - General Counsel

“I knew there were other in-house attorneys in town who liked to socialize, I just wasn’t sure how to find them.”

-Associate GC


Our local LinkedIn groups and social gatherings are “solicitation free” and help in-house attorneys stay visible and connected.

The goal is to increase casual connectivity among this hard working, yet often siloed, group of professionals. There are no annual membership dues or event registration fees and we aim to have fun, decompress and connect like-minded people. To find local peers, click here! To join our mailing list, click here!

Here is what to expect:


Our event calendar is comprised of regular monthly socials. Join us. To join our mailing list, click here!